How big is your shadow?

By Erik Farstad

December 31, 1997

"A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor." Proverbs 29:23

Pride comes before the fall, you’ve heard the saying before. How does pride develop? Where does it come from, how does it surface in our lives?

Pride comes when we begin to believe in our own skills and abilities, thinking that something is "our" doing. Hogwash! All things come from the Lord above.

Our abilities, skills and talents are gifts from be used to glorify Him! Give yourself a check right now. What are you doing right now to glorify God? Have you lost touch with where your talents have come? Are you becoming pride-full or selfish? All your talents are gifts from God, are you recognizing that?

When you lose touch with where all things flow from, you’ll start believing more in yourself and less in God. Now don’t get me wrong. God wants us to believe in ourselves, but not in a pride-driven way. He wants us to believe in the Holy Spirit, that which is in us, for guidance. Think of it like this: You can look inward to what you know and think you can accomplish. Or look towards God, who through the Holy Spirit will speak to you, to what He knows you can accomplish. By looking towards God, you are believing in yourself! Believing in yourself to do the right thing, go to God!

How does pride start? With things like..."I can do it by myself, I don’t need anyone’s help, or believing you’re better than." The higher you put yourself, the farther you’re going to fall. Stay grounded, looking to the only one who should be raised up, Jesus Christ our Lord!

We are to be a light unto the world. The taller you are, the bigger shadow you create and the darker the world will be. Maybe it’s time to step down, let your shadow shrink, and let the light of the world (Jesus) shine!

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, I admit that I often rely on my own abilities and strengths, thinking that I can do it alone. I acknowledge that I need You, for all things come from you and you alone...not me! I pray for a humble spirit and ask that you break me of any pride that comes between us. I desire to honor you with a pure and humble heart, seeking your direction and guidance. Lord today I look to where you are working and seek to join you there. Lord I want to stand in your sunshine of mercy and love, to take your rays of hope and life to a world in desperate need of YOU! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Step down, and let Him who is worthy be on the most high!

In Him, "E"