The fish don’t jump into the boat!

By Erik Farstad

January 13, 1998

"Come follow me...and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

When was the last time you went fishing? With your dad when you were young? Maybe it was your grandfather that first took you. You threw out your pole and waited for a fish to bite. This was an enjoyable time as you waited with anticipation for that first bite, desiring to jerk the pole out of the water. Is that how you live your life for Christ. Do you wake up, go to work or school, and wait for someone to ask you about Christ.

Look around you. If you stop and look around you, even where you are right at this very moment, I can guarantee that there is someone that does not know Christ. Now imagine yourself getting up and just standing there waiting for someone to ask you about Christ. You might be standing there for awhile, huh? Kind of like expecting a fish to jump into your boat!

We can become so desensitized to the world around us that we do not see the need. We do not see the tears, the crying out and the pain in people’s hearts. So put down your fishing pole and pick up your net. Let me explain.

A fishing pole is a great tool for catching one fish, but you have to wait for the fish to come to you. A net can be thrown out into the waters, gathering many fish at one time. The difference, the net goes to the fish, not the fish going to the bait on the end of a line!

Picture this: God has given each of you a net. This net can grow in size and strength as you grow in Christ. It is made up of strings of sensitivity. You are to throw this net to those around you at work, home, school, everywhere you choose to live. This net is so sensitive that you feel the love, joy, sadness, fear, hate, betrayal, denial, bitterness, the list can go on and on, of all those around you. When you sense the need of these people, you go to them.

Get the picture? Look around you. Do you see a need? People that need Jesus? Lost? Unhappy? Sad? Well, encourage them. Love them. Reach out to them. Throw out your net of sensitivity. You may be their only hope in life!

How do you become sensitive to those around you? First, pray for a changed heart. A heart longing to feel the need of those around you. Every person you see is not just a person, but a soul headed for eternity either in Heaven or Hell! Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to those in need, then respond when led! You’ll be amazed at what just a simple smile and "Can I help in anyway?" might mean to someone.

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, lead me to the waters where the fish are thirsty for the water of life. Let me be sensitive to those around me, putting their needs before my own. May my selfishness die away to be replaced with a servants heart. May my nets grow stronger daily, gathering many souls for your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In Him, "E"