It begins with the Spirit

By Erik Farstad

January 14, 1998

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13

You ever wonder what makes a person so cheerful and happy? We’ve all seen people that seem so happy all the time, even in times of despair. And we may also know people that are grumps, it seems to them that everyday is a bad day. You know what I’m talking about. But the question is, why is that? Here is how it works: The Holy Spirit works in our lives, communicating to our soul, which in turn directs and drives our thoughts and feelings. From there, our soul pushes our body to "act out" what the Holy Spirit directs.

Hard to understand? Let me break it down further. Start with your physical body, which includes all your senses and motor skills. Then move to your soul. Your soul is where your feelings, thoughts and emotions originate from. And finally your spirit, either one that is dead without the Lord or alive through the power of Christ.

Here’s two examples: The Holy spirit places in my heart a feeling (my soul) for the lost. Due to the feeling for the lost I am moved to action (my body), to reach out in love. Or I do not have communion with the Lord, thus the Holy Spirit is dead within me, I feel (my soul) alone and depressed. Due to my feelings I act (my body) sad, grumpy or mad at the world.

Do you often ask yourself, "Why do I do that! I don’t want to do that anymore?" We as humans, want to be good and do things that bring happiness. Yet when we are not that way, we tell ourselves..."I’m not going to do that anymore, that is the last time, etc." What we are doing is telling our soul (feelings) to control our actions (body). It doesn’t work that way!!! It must begin with our spirit. Our spirit is where the change must take place!!!! Spirit controls soul, soul controls body. What is the condition of your spirit?

Let me leave you with this: A seed is a very small thing that holds many nutrients and power. But until that seed is planted (coming to the Lord and receiving the Holy Spirit) the seed has no potential. The seed will not grow unless it is covered with dirt (blood of the lamb) and fertilized and watered (reading the word and fellowship). Through the action of being planted, covered with dirt and fertilized, the seed will soon crack (by the Holy Spirit). From this crack growth occurs, fruits are produced and new seeds of life are planted. It begins with THE SPIRIT!

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, I desire to have a joyful face. I acknowledge that it is your Spirit in me that directs my life, completely. If I do not commune with you, my seed of life becomes hard and dry. Lord, today I ask that you crack my seed and allow your nutrients of love and joy to come forth, thus producing fruits of many blessings. I can do nothing without you (Matthew 15:5). My joy will only come from you and the moving of your Holy Spirit in me, not my soul or my body. Convict me of my wrongs, anything keeping me from being planted in your spirit. Lord, crack me, break me. I desire your spirit to direct my soul, to move my body to serve and love you today, in joy, peace and in happiness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In Him, "E"