Yes You Can!

By Erik Farstad

January 20, 1998

"...but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26b

When was the last time someone said, "You can’t do that!" or "You don’t have those abilities?" We hear this all too often. We are often the ones telling ourselves that. Why? Over the years we develop abilities, strengths and "things" we KNOW we can accomplish. But when new experiences come our way, we many times hesitate. We look inward asking, "Well can I do that new I have that answer, etc, etc?"

Let’s look at this two ways:

1) A problem. This can be our focus, a mountain of difficulty. I will have to do this, do that, it can’t be done, I can’t do it! When faced with something new or challenging, is this what you say or feel?


2) An opportunity. This can be our focus, a time to ask the Lord for strength, vision, courage and the means to surmount the task at hand.

Too often we immediately look to our own strengths and abilities to answer the question at hand. The Lord has given you a mind to make decisions, to reason. But is HE included in your reasoning efforts? Are you up to the challenge? Do you have faith enough to turn to HIM when things DO look impossible? I am reminded of John 15:5 that says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Without me he can do nothing."

Without the branch firmly connected to the vine, no fruit can be produced. Are you firmly connected? What fruit are you producing? Is it fruit from the holy vine or of your own cognizance?

Let this be your prayer today:
Dear Lord, If I have fallen from your life giving vine may I begin the mending today. I acknowledge I can do nothing without you. I pray that you will convict me of my "inward looking" and "I have the answers attitude." I want your will and your will only! I yearn to seek you, to see more of you everyday. I ask that you use me today to better your kingdom, to touch those in need. I ask for your strength to make it through today, for I will fail if I use my own abilities. Keep me always sensitive to your voice, and quick to respond when you call. I love you Lord and thank you that I can do all things with YOU who gives me strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Take today as an opportunity to say, "Yes I can, because I have the Lord!"

In Him, "E"