How concerned are you?
By Erik Farstad
February 12, 1998
"I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race." Romans 9:2-3
Do you really hurt? Do you really feel anguish and sorrow for those that do not know Christ? Would you be willing to say, "God, give me all the wrath that you’re intending to lay on those that have turned from you, so that they may live. I will die for them." I WILL DIE FOR THEM! Powerful words, yes, but even more powerful would be a life that exemplifies them.
Here in Romans, Paul is showing his love and concern for his Jewish brothers. Following Christ’s example, he says he is willing to take someone else’s punishment so that God will have mercy on them. Look around you. Are you, today, willing to die so that those around you can known the love of Christ? Literally die, you ask. Perhaps, but death could mean more than physically losing your life. Death may involve your time, money, energy, comfort or safety. And for some that choose to follow Christ, especially in countries where Christianity is forbidden, many do die for claiming Jesus as their savior.
Here is this country, the United States, we are free to meet, discuss and worship God. So death to you, more than likely won’t be physical but material. So I ask you again, how concerned are you? When you say you don’t have time for ministry or outreach, than you don’t care. Something else, perhaps your agenda, is more important. Ministry does not have to take place in a church or meeting hall, but right where you are. To say you don’t have time is an excuse! You’re not making time! You don’t have the money to give? Then look to what your spending it on? What are needs and what are wants? Do you spend more money on wants than needs? If yes, than you have money to give for Christ. Get the picture?
We are a selfish people, with faults and inadequacies. To be selfless, you must give up something of yourself, your agenda or your plan. But perhaps you are happy right now. You go to church, you even tithe and belong to a bible study. Yet you still find yourself not being able to say (and believe) that you would actually choose to die for someone. Than let me share this my friend: It doesn’t happen overnight and it’s not an easy thing. Only Jesus can do everything right the first time. With me and you, we get to practice it everyday.
So how do you begin? You begin by giving up one thing. After that, you pick another and another. Soon this habit of putting others before yourself will become a lifestyle. Your concern will grow and your willingness to give your life for others will also. Soon no one will have to ask you how concerned you are because they’ll see it in your actions.
One last thing. It’s not how much you give, spend or how often you share. It’s the state of your heart that matters, while your doing it. If you’re giving because you know you should, than don’t. Give because you want to, because you love to!
Spend some time now looking at your life, evaluating your priorities. Prayerfully talk with the Lord, asking Him to shine light on areas of your life that need re-adjusting. Go in His love today!
In Him, "E"