By Erik Farstad
April 2, 1998
"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember, that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift." Matthew 5:34-24
How often do you hear people say that Christians are hypocrites? Quite frequently probably, and that fact alone is very sad. I will say this only once and I hope and pray that we will all keep each other accountable to it; You can not say you love God and not love your fellow man...you can not treat God one way and treat your fellow man differently. Your attitude, actions and beliefs about other people reflects your relationship with God! 1 John 4:20 says, "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
It is easy to say you love God when that love does not cost you anything more than weekly attendance at church services. But the real test of your love for God is in how you treat the people right in front of you, your family members, co-worker and friends. You cannot truly love God while neglecting to love those who were created in God�s image. That my friends is a hypocrite and someone who destroys what the life of Christ really means.
So before you can think about praising God, think about how you are treating others. God desires his people to be reconciled with one another. Is there someone in your life that you need to confront, to ask forgiveness? Does the life you lead, match what you tell people you believe? If you claim to be a Christian, to love Jesus, can people see that same love in your actions? It�s time to look deep everyone.
I know of a man that says he cannot step into another church building for the rest of his life because he sees to much hypocrisy going on. Yes, this could be this man�s excuse for rebelling against God. But if God�s children weren�t living the life of hypocrisy would this have ever happened? Who knows. My point is, it is so very important how we live and how we represent Christ. If this man had not witnessed hypocrisy than perhaps he would be that much closer to accepting the truth of Jesus Christ, but hypocrisy has blinded him. How sad.
I believe where hypocrisy may begin to take root is when people start to think that they�re "better than!" I say, get off your high horse!!! I pray that all of you reading this never forget, who you are, where God has saved you from and that sin is the enemy not other people. Hypocrisy is lying to yourself, to other people and most importantly to God.
What you say and do comes out of your heart. The state of your heart determines who you are and how you live. If you don�t want to be a hypocrite, seek to fill your heart with Christ and rid yourself of your own ideals. And lastly take perhaps the most important step, go out there and reconcile the relationships that you may be jeopardizing.
Lord, convict me if I am living in hypocrisy and selfishness. I desire to have a heart and life worthy of your Son Jesus Christ. Lead me to those relationships that need healing and give me the strength to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. All the glory to you, in Jesus� name, Amen.
In Him, "E"