Feeling vs. Believing
By Erik Farstad
April 15, 1998
"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him." Psalm 18:31
I want you to ask yourself a serious question. Do you act more often on your feelings or your beliefs? How you answer this question will possibly determine how you live your life.
We live in a society that loves and then can hate overnight. We are so wavering in our thoughts, opinions and emotions it is almost frightening. I dare to raise the question, when will we stop this behavior? It’s no shock that children these days don’t know what or who to believe. We are told to do what "feels right!" What happened to do what "Is Right!" So what do you do?
Let me share a common example of the "feeling phenomenon" in this country in regards to churches. Many of you may "shop" around for a church that suites your specific needs and that you generally like. OK. Now ask yourself why that one? Is it because everyone is that same race, class, do they dress alike, act alike, raise/don’t raise their hands in worship...what is it that makes you return week after week to your church? It’s probably because you "feel" comfortable there. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with that. I just hope you’re not sacrificing your good feelings for the real meat you need which are Godly beliefs!
Let me pose this one: If Christianity is present in this country for a long time, and becomes tightly intertwined with it’s culture, is it possible that Christianity in this country could become defined by this culture’s qualities than by the actual teachings of the Bible? Of course and there are examples around us to prove that! That is why it is so important that you stand on your beliefs and not your feelings. Feelings are weak, they change as you do. You know that, just look over your own past history and how you wavered. But God’s word is flawless, His ways are perfect.
God has given us His word, the Bible, which is flawless and contains all we need to survive this life. His word contains all the beliefs, ways and doctrines, which are holy and righteous. When you choose to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord over your life, you are also choosing to accept and believe in His word. The two go hand in hand. You have all you need, you have the guidance and wisdom to live your life.
So when you encounter a situation in life you have two options. One you can choose to act on your beliefs, which hopefully are rooted in God’s word (Bible). Or two, on your feelings at that given moment. I can hear you now...yes it is possible to have your feelings coincide with your beliefs. Just make sure you verify them. Huh? Yes, verify your feelings. God wouldn’t give you a feeling unless He backed it up with His beliefs, His teachings, the Bible. If you feel a certain way about something, what does the Bible say about it. Make sure you back up your feelings with your beliefs!
Now God’s word is also a shield around you. The psalmist David put this second part of verse 30 in here for a reason, "He is a shield for all those you take refuge in him." By learning and acting on your beliefs found in the Bible, you will be shielded by the mistake you may have made if acting on your feelings alone. God knows man is a frivolous being and wants to protect us from as much harm as possible, especially that which we bring unto ourselves by our feelings.
Remember just because it "feels" right doesn’t mean it always is. The only thing that is right is that which comes from the hand of Almighty God. And if you want to know what that is, then go to the Bible. The Bible is the source of all the knowledge and the insight you’ll ever need to know.
The next time you feel something, go to the Bible to see if God believes in it!!!
In Him, "E"