Please Pray (it works!!!)
By Johnny Angel
Dear friends,
I need all of you to be praying that God will make His plans for me clear
so that I can make the appropriate decisions as comes necessary. I
can assure you that all of your prayers are working! For example, my
church has hired an interim pastor to take the burden off our youth
pastor who was trying to do everything when our former pastor left. In
addition, the pastor search committee has found a strong potential
pastor for us. Right now, I am facing a big decision. I have felt led to
assist with a different church for eight Sunday nights. They are having
a special Bible study and are in need of people to work with their youth.
However, they also want to hire someone to work with their youth and
children. This is one of the callings I feel on my life. There is no way
that I can do the job this semester because I am already committed.
This is not a decision that I have to make right now, and God can use
these eight weeks to help me know if He wants me to work at this
church. I just ask that you will pray for God to make it clear to me what
He wants me to do and that I will be open to what He wants to do
even if it means giving up the comfort of the church I currently go to or
giving up the excitement of going to help this other church.
N Prayer,
Johnny <*}}}><