The Rich Young Man
By Gerald Sumeracki
When He was teaching crowds one day
A young man came up near
His mind was sharp, a man of means
A man whose soul was clear.
"What must I do?" He asked the Christ
"To win the end reward
"For I do know You prophet be
"By works you must be Lord."
Jesus looked upon the man
"Keep fast all God's good Laws"
Replied the man "I've done all this
"Since youth without a flaw."
"Then there be one more task for you"
Said Christ unto the man
"Sell all you own and give to poor
"Than follow if you can."
The man was shocked and walked away
For he was rich indeed
To sell his worth would be too much
He therein saw his greed.
The Lord look sad and did say thus
Unto those gathered round
"There is small chance for one so rich
"To merit heavens' crown."
"A camel through the needle's eye
"Be easier done I say
"Than for those lost to worldly greed
"To find our God's good way."
"Oh Lord!" they said who were so close
"How than be victory won?"
"Have faith in Me" was His reply
"Believe I'm God's true Son."