Waking Dream
By Gerald Sumeracki
The question burned into his conscience,
"Why should I admit you to my Kingdom?"
What was the answer the Almighty wanted?
His departure from the life of men came quickly,
He had been driving his new car just a bit
too fast, You know...to break it in!
The question needed answering, the Lord waited.
"Well Lord," he said, "I lived a good life,
I lived within the guidelines of the world's rules."
The Lord said, "You never learned that the works
and deeds that flow from a Godless heart mean
nothing to Me. All the good you claim are like
filthy rags before Me."
"Please Lord, I did not sin as much as most. I did
not seek evil for evils sake. I did not hate my fellow
man as most did."
"You are a liar!" said the Lord. "Each time you
turned your back to the pleas of the starving, the
thirsty, the lonely or homeless, you turned away from Me."
"Please Lord, I knew of Jesus. I believed in what He said."
"Oh?" said the Lord, "and what did you do with that knowledge?
What did you do with Jesus?"
The man thought and thought. God then spoke,
"I do not know you because you never accepted Me
and walked the path I laid for you, because you never
opened you heart to Me."
God continued, "What you did to my Son and your neighbor
you did to Me. They hungered, were thirsty, homeless
and naked, they were in prison, lonely and wounded.
They were those you never loved."
"You heard it over and over in life, Jesus is the Way
but you chose self. If you would have known Jesus,
I would know you now.
Depart from me you evildoer into the eternal torments
earned through your selfish living."
He awoke in a cold sweat...God had given him a waking dream.
"What does it profit a man should he gain the world
but loose his soul."
Words now with meaning, words now that caused instant re-focus.
The man quickly prayed, "Lord Jesus, forgive my sins
and wrongful living and be my savior."
A peace came over him, a joy entered his heart.
The Lord smiled on him as his car hit the tree.