Simon's Catch
By Gerald Sumeracki
Simon knew his trade full well,
A fisherman with skill,
With brother's help they fed their kin,
While friends their grounds did till.
His brother James one day came not,
To help in casting nets,
So John and Simon's catch was slim,
Seems all they got was "wet!"
James later came in wonderment,
"I've seen and heard good news,"
He said he'd found the Lamb of God,
Messiah, King of Jews!
Simon's ears weren't listening,
Their catch was small that day,
Without his brother's help and skill,
Their tax be hard to pay.
"While we were out there fishing,"
"You chose to waste your time,"
"This Jesus that you brag about,"
"Is just a noisy chime."
"He's just the kind to go about,"
"Exciting itching ears,"
"Proclaiming news that none can prove,"
"To wash away men's fears."
"Believe the works then Simon,"
"His miracles speak true,"
"He wants to take us fishing now,"
"With all of us as crew."
"The fishing is not worth the time,"
"The fish have gone away,"
"But just to prove this Christ's a fraud,"
"We'll fish the rest of day."
And so they cast off moorings,
Rowed to a place well known,
And cast their nets as always done,
Nets sank with weighted stone.
Simon waited, no fish were there,
The nets gave not a sign,
The fish were gone, he knew full well,
They "wasted" all this time.
The Lord said, "Simon, Peter,"
"Do cast you nets again,"
"But cast them on the other side,"
"Then wait for moments-- ten."
Simon thought this Christ a fool,
What side to fish meant naught,
"I'll prove to James his Christ's a fake,"
"Yes, James must now be taught!"
A sudden list to starboard,
Took Simon by surprise,
The weight of catch in nets now full,
Brought tears into his eyes.
A miracle indeed this Christ had done,
This carpenter from God,
He'd never seen a catch like this,
His boat now full of cod.
Simon shrank from Christ the King,
" I am a sinner Lord,"
" Fear not my friend, for from this day,"
"You'll yield a different sword."
"For you shall fish for men to know,"
"Their God has brought them love,"
"They'll come into a brand new life,"
"Now brought from high above."