You can help build prayer warriors in the Body by putting a prayer request or praise report message box on your own website. It will contain the same prayers and praise messages that are published on our home page at, but will be displayed in a small scroll box on your own web page. The instructions for installing this prayer or praise message box on your server are below:
Example: Putting the Prayer Message Box in a TableYou may want to put the prayer message box in a larger table embedded on your page for appearance. In the example below, we have designed our prayer and praise section using one table with two columns. This is what we use at the top of this page. Each column has the embedded "iframe" code that displays the prayer and praise contents. The HTML code is provided below for the table with prayer and praise message boxes. Try different backgrounds and sizes for the table. God bless you, and thank you for helping in the prayer ministry!PRAYER & PRAISE IN A TABLE: Comments:If you look at the source code for our pages, we typically define most of the CSS data in a CSS Class. Tables with CSS and embedded IFRAMEs can be tricky in making things look "ok".In the above example code we have set "border-width:3px;" property inside each of the two <iframe> tags, which makes a total of 6px; for the Left + Right borders of the IFRAME. To make things fit perfectly inside the table <td> cell, we need to pad the inside of the <td> cell on the right with the extra 6px; due to the IFRAME border. So in the <td> cell we set "padding:0;" as the default padding, and explicitly set the right padding to "padding-right:6px;". Advanced Topics: IFRAME CachingThere is a minor "bug" in some browsers with "caching" or storing previously used data. When the user refreshes a page, sometimes the content inside the IFRAME doesn't refresh, and shows older content. You will notice that when you look at the source code for our pages, we have applied a "bug fix" for this problem using Javascript. Of course this will only work when users allow Javascript to run in their browsers.The fix is to include a short section of Javascript code immediately after the <iframe> code, and to give each <iframe> a unique "id". Below is the code before and after the "fix", with the new code in red. This code only deals with the <iframe> tag, and not the surrounding tables or other containers. THIS IS NOT A REQUIRED FIX. Most people just ignore this subtle point... and then wonder why their IFRAME content sometimes does not refresh when they reload the browser. Original Code without Caching Fix
<iframe src="" style="border-width:4px; height:237px; width:100%;"></iframe>
Code with Caching Fix
<iframe id="iframeid" src="" style="border-width:4px; height:237px; width:100%;"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript"> var _theframe = document.getElementById("iframeid"); _theframe.contentWindow.location.href = _theframe.src; </script> Praise the Lord! |
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